Monday, November 25, 2013

Kayfun Lite and DNA20 gets cloned!

If you’re in the market for a SvoeMesto Kayfun Lite then you better keep your eyes peeled if you spot a deal that seems too good to be true because you could end up buying a fake!

Retailing at RM400 (approx. US$125) here in Malaysia, the Kayfun Lite is the latest atomizer to be cloned by China following the recent release of the cloned Steam Boy Storm Rider and Steam Turbine.

According to posts on various Facebook groups that popped up this afternoon, the Kayfun Lite clone is retailing between RM110 – RM200 (US$35 – 60). The sellers call it a 1:1 clone, but I wouldn’t recommend that you buy one before you check it out in person.

Remember what happened with the Storm Rider clone? The sellers called that a 1:1 clone too, but look how that turned out…

In other clone related news, a lot of interest has been centered around the Vape Tech Amax, a VV/VW mod from China that was released at around the same time as the DNA20 powered Renovation Mods EL3V8TOR.

The manufacturers of the Amax claim on their website that the Amax runs a DNA20 chip, and this sparked a lot of debate among vapers everywhere. Some people (me included) theorized that the manufacturers could be running a genuine DNA20 chip with some cheap tubes, while others were a little more skeptical from the get go.

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